About Me

Hi, my name is Daniel Bradley.

I write about things I love: Hiking, Dogs, Travel, and Science Fiction…to name a few.

I’ve spent my whole life walking the trails around Utah County. They stretch on for forever and I don’t think anyone has hiked them all. Sometimes, the hills I traverse feel like well kept secrets with Southern Utah getting all the outside attention. I write about these trails because I want others to discover what hiking can do for the body and soul. Adventure is a medicine.

In 2019, after a six year career as an Army “Guard Bum” I adopted a Border Collie named Arthur. Naturally, I have to write about him, he’s part of what makes my hiking so fun. I wrote a book about him under a different name, Art Ridley. You can find it available for purchase or free on Kindle Unlimited at https://www.amazon.com/Your-Dog-Adoption-Journey-Selecting-ebook/dp/B0BB7TL4L6

Also, occasionally I will post articles with Amazon Affiliate links, which means I can make money from qualifying purchases if someone clicks on my links. Amazon links to my Kindle products are not Affiliate links.

More stories to come. Enjoy!

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