How to Write a Short Story that Doesn’t Suck

Do you like writing short stories? How do you feel about starting one? A blank page, in any medium, can be daunting. Like a painter’s first stroke, the opening line of a story can be hard to lay down. This week, I made a video showing you my own method for quickly creating the first lines of an intriguing story. Check it out!

All you need to start a good story is a prompt and a willingness to throw a rich character right into the action, a day where everything changes. Opening lines need to create questions that will automatically form in the reader’s mind. Questions evoke a sense of mystery. Short stories that do well play with themes of irony and reflection. Have you ever watched The Twilight Zone? Lots of good examples there, such as the story of Henry Bemis, the bank teller’s best laid plans.

The short fiction world of writing is in full bloom these days. Contests abound and prizes are ripe. I’m going to be making more videos like this and writing more short fiction of my own. Let me know what you think! Comment your thoughts here on the blog or on the YouTube video itself. What experience/challenges have you had with short fiction?

One response to “How to Write a Short Story that Doesn’t Suck”

  1. […] out another article/video I just made, and let me know if these are working for […]

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